So some of you may remember a little while ago I was making bath melts for you to buy. Well, it was a massive ball ache trying to find a way of sending them out without melting (especially this week ?) so I’ve decided to be really nice and give you the recipe so that…
Author: plinky
My Favourite Me Time indulgences
So it’s no secret how much I LOVE self-care, and I’ll shout it’s benefits from the roof-tops, but I thought I’d compile a list of my most favourite “Me-Time” indulgances.
Our Favourite Children’s Books
Hey there parents! So I thought I’d write a little blog post today about Boe’s most favourite books. I won’t lie, the kids had an impressive library since before he was born – we regularly read Each Peach Pear Plum and the Gruffalo to him whilst he was still tucked away.
Boe’s HS Calm Bag – What’s in it?
So lately we’ve noticed the world is becoming a lot harder for Boe and his High Sensitivity. If you’ve not read anything before about HS, then this link pretty much sum up what being a HS means to Boe, and what it means to us as his parents.
Boe’s Bag of Crystals
So it’s no secret that we’re such HUGE lovers of crystals in our house…. my collection is always growing with those that I feel connections with, or am attracted to, and those that I know the home needs. Most recently I started looking into crystals for Boe though. He’s always been rushing to pick some…
My Little Jar of Happiness
Hey peeps! So remember the posts that were floating around social media around the time of the new year with a little jar, with the idea that from the first day of the year you need to write something to pop in said jar, and then open the bits of paper on new years eve…
Why self-care is so important to mums
Hey mama…. I see you there, trying to put on a brave face to the world, but inside you’re melting…. drowning in this new world of the unknown….. It’s been another long day of parenting. Another day of acting like you have your shit together and that handling a baby on top of keeping the…
Finding our way with a HSC
So I have made it no secret that I truly believe children’s behavior ALWAYS has a reasoning behind it… They never act out because they’re a**holes (not my words btw)…. They’re just little people in a big world full of confusion, “must do this” rules and huge emotions. And for a Highly Sensitive Child (HSC)…
Colour Me Autumn….
I know, I know…. it’s almost spring….. so we’re a little bit late in updating this blog post about our autumn rice box *hides behind laptop*
Super-quick snacky Pizzas
I’m on the last day of my detox, and I’m incredibly starving, so the last thing I want to be doing is spending hours at the oven where there’s a whole world of temptation…. But the boys have to eat. So it’s time to pull out a Super-quick snacky lunch….