When you live with a chronic illness, you tend to have a lot of those days where you. Just. Can’t. Even….
And these are the days where we need to be taking the time to re-fill our cup to ensure that we’re giving the best of us, not what’s left of us.
So if you’re looking for some super simple ways of taking care of yourself when you just can’t give a damn about anything else in life, here’s some of my favourite suggestions (and make sure you also have a secret stash of feel-good food, as well!)
Here’s my favourite super-easy, fuss-free self care ideas for when you need a duvet day
💜 Watch your favourite movie
💜 Put your phone on silent for a while
💜 Read a book
💜 Order a take away
💜 Take a nap
💜 Cut & paint your nails
💜 Write in a journal
💜 Listen to your favourite music
💜 Write out a meal plan and shopping list
💜 Put on a face mask
💜 Do some colouring
💜 Snuggle up with your pet / favourite cuddly Teddy bear
💜 Create a new Pinterest board and get pinning
💜 Indulge in some online shopping (don’t get into debt though!)
💜 Practice some deep breathing
💜 Give a friend or family mamber a call to reconnect
💜 Drink plenty of fluids
💜 Get wrapped up in your favourite blanket
These are just a few ideas that I like to do when I have to have a duvet day.
Remember though, self care is anything that nourishes your soul – what’s your favourite self care activity? Let’s us know in the comments below 💜
’til next time, Kate xoxo